Drag and drop Transitions for Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects.
Drag and drop transitions for Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects. Very easy to use. Will help to speed up your post-production workflow. Video tutorial is included
Extremely easy to use. 15 Categories.
Instructions included.
Basic | 38 |
Cut | 206 |
Flip | 24 |
Glitch | 88 |
Pull | 18 |
RGB Split | 24 |
Rotation | 32 |
Shaking | 6 |
Shift | 91 |
Spiral | 124 |
Stretch | 108 |
Transform | 24 |
Twist | 76 |
Zoom | 295 |
Zoom point | 65 |
INTERSTELLAR Drag and drop transitions for Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects